Johnson's Sugar Doll 71,

Johnson's Dick the Bruiser 3,
Blackwell's Black-Eyed Susan,
Johnson's Dick the Bruiser 3,
Johnson's Red Machine 4,
Johnson's Bella Rose,
Johnson's Sugar Doll 71,
Johnson's Mean Machine,
Johnson's Machine Brutis,
Johnson's Rose 10,
Johnson's Sugar Doll 51,
Johnson's Red Machine,
Johnson's Sugar Tuffie 25,
Johnson's Sugar Tuffie 3,


Father: Johnson's Dick the Bruiser 3,
Mother: Johnson's Sugar Doll 51,


Relation to Peeler's War Chief,

Children of Peeler's War Chief, and Johnson's Sugar Doll 71,
   Powel´s Machine Dillon,

Relation to Peeler's War Chief,

Children of Peeler's War Chief, and Johnson's Sugar Doll 71,
   Peeler's Apache,

Picture 1   
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